The Struggle


2 Corinthians 13:5, “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your ownselves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?”


The moment a person is saved, the precious Holy Spirit of God comes in to dwell. He will never leave nor forsake the believer. I look back at the 35 years, 3 months and 7 days I have been saved, and I can absolutely testify of this very truth. Christ being “in you” brings an effect, whether it is seen by others or not.

Throughout these more than 3 decades, I have minded the things of the flesh, and at times, I have clearly minded the things of the Spirit. Often I would dabble with sin, but the only problem is sin cannot be dabbled with!  It quickly changes from you having a hold on it…to it having a hold on you!  This is what Romans 8 means when it says to mind the things of the flesh. When a person lives after the desires and appetites of the flesh, he soon finds His mind on only those desires and appetites. Likewise, when a person desires the sweet Spirit, he minds the things of the Spirit and there is sweet fellowship with the Spirit, the Son, and the Father.

When a Christian is living in sin, he cannot be glad. I speak this from experience. When a Christian is living in sin and there is a struggle, one should praise the Lord. If you are living in sin and there is no struggle, I would start with checking to see who is your rightful owner? The Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit chastens all those that are His. If there is a fight between doing right and wrong, and you are pulled back and forth, remember Galatians 5 tells us there is a war between the flesh and the Spirit. The saved are bought with a price. My Savior, Who died in my place so I would not have to experience death and Hell, tells me to present my body a living sacrifice. After all He has done for me; I will gladly give Him all! It is easy to say things like that when you are walking in the Spirit and minding the things of the Spirit. But it is most difficult when the things of this world have our attention. The only contented people I have ever met were people walking in the Spirit.

On a recent trip, I met a young man who has been backslidden for years. He once was a faithful member of a good church, he sensed God’s call on his life, and even began to study to that end. Somewhere he got off course. Somewhere he started to mind the things of the flesh instead of the Spirit and he confessed to me his misery for over 2 decades now. I shouted with a voice that scared him as I said – Praise the Lord! I exclaimed to the young man, he should be thankful for the Holy Spirit’s moving in his life and reflect on all the other goodness’s of God. I did not tell that man to go back to college, or church, or anything. I simply begged him to meditate and muse on God’s love and goodness to him.

I received a private facebook from him the other day simply stating, “I have been in church for 3 months now. I am aware of the Spirit’s working in my life. I have seen the Lord rekindled desires and appetites in my life that are pleasing to Him, and I have so much rest now. I understand Gods Word through the daily journal more than ever in my life, and I enjoy being around God’s people. Thank you Bro Burks, for responding in a way that would motivate me to action.”

If you are saved and living in sin today, are you miserable? Praise the Lord! There is evidence you belong to HIM!



“The most miserable person is not an unsaved person in sin;

it is a person saved from sin, trying to still live after it.”

By: Benjamin R. Burks

About dcmills

Sinner saved by GRACE.
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