IF a traveler were to go on a long trip, he would watch for the highway signs that marked the route and direction. Every now and then he may come to a town, and the place where a decision is required. The town has a road that goes through it, and a by-pass that goes around it. As the driver approaches the town, he must decide what he wants to do. He must decide whether or not he wants to go through the town and bear all the grief that goes along with being in a strange town, or he may by-pass the town and continue happily on his way. But he must decide. The decision is his.

THE life that we are now living is somewhat the same. You might say that we are just passing through, and as we do so, we are watching for those signs that will guide and direct us. But then we come to the place of decision, that time in life when we decide where we will spend eternity. Will we decide to go through eternity in hell, bearing all the grief, pain and sorrow that goes along with eternal damnation, or will we decide to spend eternity in heaven? We must decide. The decision is ours. And we must decide today.

GOD’S Word, the Bible, says that there are only two ways to choose from, the broad way that leads to destruction, and the narrow way that leads to everlasting life (Matt. 7:13,14). The Bible also says that “now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (II Cor. 6:2). This means that the offer of salvation is good for today only; yesterday is history and we have no guarantee that tomorrow will come.

MY friend, you have now come to the crossroads in your life, and you alone must decide which way you’ll go. The Bible says that there is none righteous (Rom. 3:10) because all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). The wages (our just due) for our sin is death (eternal damnation in hell). But Romans 6:23 does not stop here, for it says, “but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus our Lord.”

TO receive eternal life, all you need to do is repent of your sin and confess to God that you are a sinner, ask for forgiveness of your sins and for Christ to come into your heart. The shed blood of Christ will wash away all of your sin (Rev. 1:5), and you will be forgiven (I John 1:9). If you will do this, you will be saved for all eternity (I John 5:11-13).

YOU are now standing at the crossroads of your life. You, and you alone must decide between heaven and hell. Which one will you choose?


My hope is that one day, I will meet you in glory.  


Thank you for stopping by!

David C. Mills

Born2Serve Ministries
Drop us an email

Life's Cross-Road Tract by: Richard A. Ciarrocca - PFBP
