The ABC’s of Missions

Greetings in Jesus’ precious name. Beginning on March 7th and continuing through March 11 we will enjoy our 55th Annual Mission Conference that will emphasize medical missions with a specific theme of “HEALING BROKEN BODIES: REACHING LOST HEARTS”. We will enjoy missionaries that are presently serving on the fields of Togo, W. Africa, Papua New Guinea, and Ft. Yukon, Alaska. All that are close enough to enjoy this conference are welcome to join in. Service are Wednesday through Saturday at 7 PM and Sunday at 10 AM, 11:15 AM and 6 PM.

The Bible is a precious book that includes some tremendous reminders a bout God’s heart toward missions. In Luke 14:16-24, there is a wonderful account that is called “The Parable of the Great Supper” in which Jesus teaches us all some applicable truths – the ABC’s of mission work. Please note the following truths that we ought to all grasp hold of:

  1. A is for ASKING – Luke 14:17. One of the great needs of the hour is for those that have come to appreciate the great gift of God’s provision in Christ to make it a habit to invite others to enjoy the same provision of salvation through His grace displayed as Christ died at Calvary and then rose from the dead. The parable (an earthly story with a heavenly meaning) is all about you and I actively inviting the unsaved to come and examine the claims of Christ and then trust the provision of Christ. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” So. . .if you know Jesus Christ as your own personal savior, the encouragement of the Bible is to challenge others to examine His accomplishments at Calvary and personally trust His finished work as full payment for their sin. The first mandate is for us to ASK! That sounds pretty simple, does it not?
  2. B is for BRINGING – Luke 14:21. Once we have been dutiful to ask, now the servant is encouraged to go out and actually bring those that are hungry in to the great supper. So many had made excuses, just as so many do today. They are too busy for spiritual needs to be met; too busy to give of themselves or to be confronted with the sins of their lives. Therefore, the master encourages those servants to gather together the poor, the maimed, the halt and the blind. Once when Jesus was addressing the Pharisees, He mentioned that He hadn’t come for those that were well but for those that knew they were sick. It was a rebuke of the Pharisees that thought they had it all together. Here again, because so many didn’t have time, he suggests they seek out those that have no illusions about their condition and will welcome an opportunity to come to a great supper. His advice: bring them in! It isn’t that we aren’t interested in the “up and outer”, for we would welcome their interest in spiritual needs and spiritual provision in Christ, but so often they think they don’t have spiritual issues and needs. They will one day have a sad awakening for sure. But we are to also seek the “down and outer”, that one that knows they face some uncertain days and welcome the kind and gracious help of a loving God. When they come, they see the Lord in a new light, not just as a friend but One that offers forgiveness of sin and the gift of everlasting life — the hope of Heaven.
  3. C is for COMPELLING – Luke 14:23. This last letter is a reminder that even among the group addressed in the past section, we that are burdened for the lost will need to be willing to actually compel some to come and enjoy God’s great supper. The word “compel” means to use “strong persuasion”. I think that this is righteous persuasion but it is persuasion none the less. Invite someone to dinner after church or for dessert or use some other means to get them to come where they can also be confronted with their sin and the provisions of the Savior. The desire is that they get saved.

Missions is a great treasure God has entrusted to us. Here are the ABC’s to challenge and instruct us to be ever willing to reach out to the lost in hopes of bringing them to a personal knowledge of the Savior before it is everlastingly too late. The field is white, already to harvest. Let’s encourage one another to be about His most important work. Hope to see you all at our 55th Annual Mission Conference beginning on March 7th!

Pastor Richard Jones, First Baptist Church of Elmer, NJ

About dcmills

Sinner saved by GRACE.
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