To Be with Christ Is Far Better

– Bill Brinkworth

Most people, Christian’s included, have much fear and anxiety about their death. Paul had a much different outlook on his. His attitude was that his life here on this earth was more important to others than to him (Phil. 1:24). He considered death a gain to him, rather than a great loss.


“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21

That is a much different view than those living for the party scene would have. They look forward to constant excitement and a party life. If they could not be partying, they would not be happy. The thought of death and the next life would not be something they would look forward to, as it would be different from what they like.

Self-centered people get their enjoyment when they are the center of attention; when their needs are catered to. They also would fear an eternal future, where they were not in the position to get what they wanted, and run the show.

One seeking political power and money is satisfied when he is running things, and his voice is the one changing the way people live. He would also not be content in heaven where God is the only ruling power, and His will is the only one that matters.

A Christian, however, should have a completely different view of his eternal future, as did Paul. This life is not our permanent home; we are just “pilgrims passing through”. While here on the earth, we have a purpose to be a good testimony for the cause of Christ, and to serve the Lord any way we can.

If we have done what the Bible says one must do to have God’s promise of going to heaven by being saved, we no longer have to fear eternity. We can have great peace that the world does not have concerning this matter (Psalms 119:165). We may even find ourselves like Paul, longing for heaven, but happy serving the Lord while we are here.


“For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:”

Philippians 1:23

About dcmills

Sinner saved by GRACE.
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